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Delaware Senate Bill 2: The First State, Last in Constitutional Rights



The Heller Foundation‘s Official Testimony, infra, Opposing Delaware SB 2

Pictured: Dick Heller, The Heller Foundation’s Founder and Executive Director

RE: Written Testimony of Kristie TertelNational Director of Legislative Policy, The Heller Foundation


ATTN: Senate Judiciary Committee (DE)Opposition to Senate Bill 2: An Act To Amend Title 11, Title 24, And Title 29 Of The Delaware Code Relating To Deadly Weapons


April 25, 2023

Dear Honorable Mr. Chairman and ranking members of the Senate Judiciary Committee-


My name is Kristie Tertel and I am the National Director of Legislative Policy at The Heller Foundation. I have included my non-profit organization’s written testimony in OPPOSITION to Senate Bill 2, as amended.

Pictured: Kristie Tertel at The White House (Trump Administraction archives), The Heller Foundation’s National Director of Legislative Policy (Source: Instagram @KristieTertel)

In my early 20’s, I spent five summers working in Southern Delaware and fell in love with the country’s First State. It was not only the beautiful seascape, the laid-back ‘slower lower’ pace, but, perhaps, most importantly, the people. I made lifelong friends lifeguarding during the day at Bear Trap Dunes in South Bethany Beach and would then rush over to work the dinner shift serving and bartending at Grotto Pizza at the Bethany West location. I very fondly remember these memories and hope to have my own family one day to share that same experience with. In fact, about six years ago, I built my parents their own retirement ‘dream house’ in Ocean View, Sussex County and admittedly will be vicariously living through them as they get the opportunity to enjoy what I did nearly 15 years ago.

Pictured: Grotto Pizza at Bethany Beach, DE (Source: ‘Visit Rehoboth’)

Delaware has a special place in my heart and I am submitting this official testimony on behalf of myself- a part-time resident, my family (now full-time, retired Delawareans) and in my capacity as the National Director of Legislative Policy at The Heller Foundation. The Heller Foundation is a 501c(3) non-profit organization that leads both Delaware and the nation in advocating for our God-given, Constitutionally-entrenched right to bear arms and self-defense. The Second Amendment is a human right. Our tireless work leads the way to setting binding precedent through lawsuits and advocacy for Coloradans and their families. In addition, 2023 marks our 15th year in advancing policy measures to help close the gap between legal and lived equality for all residents of Delaware- and beyond. The Heller Foundation’s ground-breaking work and track record of success proves we have also re-invested time and resources tirelessly throughout the state simply because our organization understands the great importance of adequate, effective representation- not only throughout Delaware; but, across the entire country.

Pictured: Kristie Tertel, (Source: Instagram @TheHellerFoundation)

As both a domestic violence and violent crime survivor, I am demanding that the Delaware legislature take accountability for putting women’s lives at risk due to the recent introduction of Senate Bill 2, as amended. This bill, if passed, illegally and unconstitutionally disenfranchises- even Moreso- residents of Delaware who have, unfortunately, been the statistical target as crime victims due to their membership to this class- low socioeconomic, minority, LGBTQ+, female, elderly, single parents, people with disabilities, unemployed, underemployed and more.

Pictured: Kristie Tertel, (Source: Instagram @KristieTertel)

 Had I been armed and trained, all of this would have been PREVENTED. I have been beaten into an a coma six times, found left for dead in a Baltimore dumpster, stalked, publicly smeared and defamed, drugged and raped (with pending attempted murder charges on the assailant), and am currently stalked by 44 men and women nationwide. A restraining order is just a piece of paper, unfortunately. Please learn from me. I beg you. There’s no valor in victimhood.

Proponents of this anti-woman bill simply don’t care about the lives of the average Delaware resident.  Please learn from my own mistakes in life- legally carry and train like your life depends on it. You are your own first responder. The Heller Foundation opposes SB 2 as it makes it increasingly difficult for women, minorities, senior citizens, people with disabilities, LGBTQ+, low-income, single parents, underemployed and other ‘disadvantaged’ Delawareans. This is the exact same ‘class’ of people who are soft targets of crime- i.e. they are also statistically more likely to be targeted violent crime victims, like myself (attempted murder, drugged and raped, stalked), and be unable to legally acquire their own lifesaving means for protecting themselves and their families in self-defense by purchasing a handgun.

In fact, The Heller Foundation opposes SB 2 in intent, purpose and, most importantly, in content. SB 2 will not act as a crime deterrent, as criminals acquire firearms illegally quite regularly and by definition, criminals simply do not follow the law. This bill would punish potential crime victims from protecting themselves against violent criminals who ignore the laws that already exist.

Additionally, SB 2 imposes an immoral and unethical time burden, expensive cost and accessibility barrier on everyday law-abiding Delawareans in exercising their God-given, Constitutionally entrenched right to enjoy the Second Amendment and purchase a firearm. The permit only lasts 180 days, which is not enough time for full-time, single resident-workers, regardless of whether or not they have a vehicle, a babysitter and time off, as the small timeframe is definitely not long enough. The ‘timeframe’ should never expire, if passed. Further, the bill disenfranchises low-income households as the mandatory fingerprinting remains at the applicant’s own expense and many cannot afford that, let alone meet the incredibly burdensome logistics required to obtain said fingerprints in the manner required by SB 2.


Finally, The Heller Foundation opposes SB 2 as the creation of a registry of lawful handgun transfers opens the floodgates in the future for unchecked abuse of power, a multitude of human rights violations within our own state borders and leads to future confiscation of firearms by anti-gun regimes similar to those forced to give them up in Nazi Germany to Hitler. Also, SB 2: wastes tax-payer dollars; it strains Delaware’s already weakened resources; it further burdens hard-working, law abiding Delawareans; it will not improve public safety; and, if passed, opens the door for incredibly burdensome and expensive litigation from The Heller Foundation, National Rifle Association, Gun Owners of America, Firearms Policy Coalition, Delaware State Sportsmen Association, Delaware Gun Rights, African American Gun Owners and many, many more pro-freedom organizations from across the country. This will be the next Heller or Bruen decision, if passed.

Consequently, The Heller Foundation demands all members of the House, Senate and Senate Judiciary Committee to vote- ‘NO’- -i.e. AGAINST – on Senate Bill 2, as amended. Thank you in advance for any and all consideration on this imminent public policy and Constitutional matter.

Respectfully Submitted,

Kristie J. Tertel


National Director of Legislative Policy,

The Heller Foundation
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