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Another school threat being investigated



Garden City KS – The Garden City Police Department is aware of a circulating social media post connected to our investigation on September 18, which contains statements and multiple pictures implying a school threat. This post resurfaced last night and has been shared across multiple social media platforms.

 At this time, the Garden City Police Department is not aware of credible threats against any Garden City schools, staff, or students. The Garden City Police is working with USD 457 school officials to notify parents and community members of our investigation. These social media posts appear to be part of a broader online trend across Kansas and the country. 

The authorities encourage our community to remain vigilant. When you come across any school safety-related post, please report it immediately to law enforcement. The Garden City Police Department and Garden City Public Schools take every incident seriously and will continue to partner to ensure the safety of students, staff, and the community.

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