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Rep. Lauren Boebert’s American Energy Act Passes House Committee on Natural Resources



the House Committee on Natural Resources held a markup and passed the TAPP American Resources Act, which includes all of Rep. Boebert’s American Energy Act, H.R. 1067.

Congresswoman Lauren Boebert stated, “America’s energy problems are self-inflicted wounds caused by the Biden administration. We can responsibly develop our natural resources to bring energy prices down immediately, but Biden’s army of bureaucrats would rather stonewall energy permit applications. I am grateful that my American Energy Act was included in the TAPP American Resources Act that passed the House Committee on Natural Resources today. This commonsense legislation will streamline the energy permitting process, encourage responsible energy production, and bring down gas prices by providing certainty for energy producers.”


Last week, Congresswoman Boebert’s H.R. 1067, the American Energy Act, was included in House Committee on Natural Resources Chairman Bruce Westerman’s TAPP American Resources Act and received a hearing in the House Committee on Natural Resources Energy and Minerals Subcommittee.

The full text of the TAPP American Resources Act is available here. Specifically, Congresswoman Boebert’s American Energy Act is included in Sections 212 and 217 of the legislation. The text of Congresswoman Boebert’s American Energy Act is also available here.

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Background on Congresswoman Boebert’s American Energy Act:

Congresswoman Boebert’s American Energy Act will help reduce the backlog at the Bureau of Land Management by extending the length of drilling permits from two years to four years. By extending the length of drilling permits, energy producers will be able to spend more time producing American energy and less time jumping through bureaucratic hoops. Additionally, extending the length of drilling permits will reduce the number of reapplications, reducing the burden on the Bureau of Land Management. Ultimately, this will alleviate the unacceptable backlog and streamline permitting reviews.

Congresswoman Boebert’s American Energy Act also fixes the problem caused by activist judges and environmentalist litigants by reducing the power of judges to unilaterally vacate an energy lease that was approved by the Bureau of Land Management.

Specifically, the American Energy Act ensures that the Department of Interior continues to process APDs under a valid existing lease regardless of any unrelated civil action, extends the term of an APD from 2 years to 4 years, and requires courts to remand lease sale EIS’s to agencies to remedy when necessary, rather than allowing judges with a political agenda to simply vacate these leases.

Groups supporting Rep. Lauren Boebert’s American Energy Act include Heritage Action, Americans for Limited Government, Colorado Oil & Gas Association, Western Energy Alliance, West Slope Colorado Oil & Gas Association, US Oil and Gas Association, Independent Petroleum Association of New Mexico, EnerGeo Alliance, and New Mexico Oil & Gas Association.

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Cosponsors of Rep. Lauren Boebert’s American Energy Act include Rep. Andy Biggs (AZ-05), Rep. Eric Burlison (MO-07), Rep. Paul Gosar (AZ-09), Rep. Harriet Hageman (WY-AL), Rep. Doug Lamborn (CO-05), Rep. Barry Moore (AL-02), Rep. Troy Nehls (TX-22), Rep. Andy Ogles (TN-05), Rep. Pete Stauber (MN-08), Rep. Ben Cline (VA-06), Chip Roy (TX-21), Kelly Armstrong (ND-AL), and Rep. Tom Tiffany (WI-07).

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