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Lehigh Valley

Allentown City Council sues mayor



ALLENTOWN, Pa. — There seems little chance that a lawsuit Allentown City Council brought against Mayor Matt Tuerk this month will be settled without a court battle.

The suit, filed Sept. 6 in Lehigh County Court, alleges Tuerk and city Finance Director Bina Patel are obstructing council’s investigation of racism and discrimination in city government.

The litigation is Tuerk’s refusal to honor council’s contract with former FBI agent Scott Curtis.

Allentown Finance Director Bina Patel “has put a stranglehold on City Council’s investigation.”

Council in June hired Curtis’ company, FLEO Investigations, after breaking with the city’s standard procurement process.

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Council in its lawsuit asks a judge to order Tuerk and Patel to “accept, process and pay … all invoices submitted by City Council in connection with its investigation.”

Patel, through her failure to perform those duties, “has put a stranglehold on City Council’s investigation,” the lawsuit alleges.

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