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Copycat Kamala Plagiarizes President Trump’s No Tax on Tips Policy



Mar-a-Lago, Florida – Copy Cat Kamala Harris proved she has no plan or ideas of her own to fix the economic pain and suffering that she personally inflicted on the American people for the last four years.

Copycat Kamala directly plagiarized President Trump’s No Tax on Tips policy proposal to let hard-working service workers keep more of their hard-earned money. The theft comes after the Culinary Union immediately endorsed President Trump’s No Tax on Tips plan after rolling it out on June 9th.

Copy Cat Kamala’s deliberate criticism of President Trump’s proposal continues her pattern of taking positions in her presidential campaign that are the exact opposite of the failed, weak, dangerously liberal policies she has always touted and implemented throughout her career. In this case, it contradicts the radical Biden-Harris administration’s position of wanting to collect more tax on tips, which they rolled out just last year by launching a new enforcement program through the IRS to collect more taxes on tips. If she wants to end taxes on tips, why won’t she do it now, considering she’s part of the administration currently in charge?

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