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If Biden is taking so many vacation days, who is running this country?



President Joe Biden who was an installed leader of this nation is taking 10 vacation days which now adds up to 360 vacation days which is 40% of his time in the white house.

Many people are asking, if President Biden is taking so many vacation days who is running this country. Many have speculated Biden is Obama’s third term loophole.

Biden supporters will come to his defense by complaining Trump took time to play golf a lot during his 4 year term.

The difference between Trump and Biden is Trump’s record shows we had:

  1. The best economy (people could afford to live)
  2. No new wars started
  3. Energy independence right here in the U.S
  4. Lowest unemployment rates

Under the Biden administration many people are suffering heavy inflation due to government greed, many lost soldiers, new wars, and Biden has yet to get the job done.

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