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Newsome signed bill that could be considered a first amendment violation



SAN FRANCISCO – Taking action to address the use of deepfakes and other deceptive digitally generated or altered content in election campaigns, Governor Gavin Newsom today signed three measures to remove deceptive content from large online platforms, increase accountability, and better inform voters said in a press release.

“Safeguarding the integrity of elections is essential to democracy, and it’s critical that we ensure AI is not deployed to undermine the public’s trust through disinformation – especially in today’s fraught political climate. These measures will help to combat the harmful use of deepfakes in political ads and other content, one of several areas in which the state is being proactive to foster transparent and trustworthy AI.”

Governor Gavin Newsom

Could this be considered a First Amendment violation, some commenters on the governor’s platform say it is.

“A parody, *which no reasonable person expected to be true*, is protected free speech.” Hustler v Falwell (1983) Gavin Newsom is not a reasonable person. Gavin Newson is retarded. An X user said in the comments.

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What do you think, do you think this is a First Amendment violation?

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