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Public health experts are warning of a ‘quad-demic’ this winter, Is this more fear mongering for profit?



This Winter season, it’s not just COVID, the flu, and RSV making headlines; norovirus, the infamous “winter vomiting disease,” has been added to the list of threats making the rounds.

Is it another attempt to push vaccinations while glossing over their questionable effectiveness and potential risks?

Public health officials, like Dr. Robert Hopkins Jr. from the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases, are urging Americans to roll up their sleeves for not one but multiple shots—including the controversial COVID vaccine that has seen lackluster uptake since its introduction.

“I don’t want to panic people, but I would say if you haven’t been vaccinated and you’re eligible for vaccination—that means everybody 6 months of age and older—get that COVID shot, get that flu shot.”

While RSV vaccines are now available for certain age groups, the push for widespread vaccination feels more like a boon for Big Pharma than a genuine public health necessity.

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Pfizer, Moderna, and others have enjoyed record-breaking profits during the pandemic, and this year’s “quad-demic” narrative conveniently keeps the money flowing.

While respiratory viruses dominate the “quad-demic” narrative, norovirus—a gastrointestinal illness often referred to as “winter vomiting disease”—is now being highlighted. Conveniently, there’s no vaccine for this particular illness, but public health officials are using it to rehash tired advice about hand hygiene and avoiding crowds.

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