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The Heller Foundation Urges All Second Amendment Advocates To Submit Testimony AGAINST Colorado HB 23-1036


Written Testimony of Kristie Tertel

National Director of Legislative Policy, The Heller Foundation

House Agriculture, Water & Natural Resources Committee (CO)

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Opposition to HB 23-1036


February 9, 2023

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Dear Honorable Madame Chairwoman, Mr. Vice-Chairman and ranking members of the House Agriculture, Water & Natural Resources Committee-

My name is Kristie Tertel and I am the National Director of Legislative Policy at The Heller Foundation. I have included my non-profit organization’s written testimony in OPPOSITION to HB23-1036. The Heller Foundation is a 501c(3) non-profit organization that leads both Colorado and the nation in advocating for our God-given, Constitutionally-entrenched right to bear arms and self-defense. The Second Amendment is a human right. Our tireless work leads the way to setting binding precedent through lawsuits and advocacy for Coloradans and their families. In addition, 2023 marks our 15th year in advancing policy measures to help close the gap between legal and lived equality for all residents of Colorado- and beyond. The Heller Foundation’s ground-breaking work and track record of success proves we have also re-invested time and resources tirelessly throughout the state simply because our organization understands the great importance of adequate, effective representation- not only throughout Colorado; but, across the entire country.

I demand all members of the House Agriculture Committee and my State Representatives to vote- ‘NO’- -i.e. AGAINST – on Colorado HB23-1036.

Prima facie, the use of lead ammunition is under attack in the beautiful- otherwise ‘free’- state of Colorado by anti-hunting and anti-gun extremists who ignore science and misinform policy makers and the public on the effects of extremely small amounts of lead. In truth, these extremists want lead ammunition limited (and eventually, outright banned) because it discourages participation in hunting and shooting for both recreation (sport) and necessity (provide food for family organically). This campaigning of misinformation is unethical, immoral and unamerican.

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In general, HB23-1036 is both unconstitutional and an abuse of power on multiple fronts- it is fundamentally flawed- as it a bill to establish a voluntary program to allow some hunters to exchange what proponents call ‘toxic lead ammunition’ and replace them with more environmentally-‘friendly’ rounds that use other metals. However, in practice, it is (even more) expensive, ineffective, not data and science-driven, targets (read: disenfranchises) lower-income demographics in rural areas, eliminates access to otherwise reliable food sources provided by hunting and would completely eviscerate America’s defining, fundamental ‘past-times’- hunting.

The human right to sustain life provided by the ethical and successful ‘hunting’ of season’s harvested animals would be abolished by the passage of this bill. An essential part of America’s foundation- our hunter-gatherer culture- would become indefinitely and irrevocably extinct for all future generations. The harm caused by disenfranchisement to the ‘average’ hunter using common lead ammunition – more notably, of which is widely accepted as ‘industry standard’- throughout the globe- would be irreversible. The sport, camaraderie and memories made from hunting  with your family would be a faded, distant memory.

 Traditional ammunition is significantly cheaper than its alternatives.  Increasing the price of ammunition will only ensure lower income hunters likely won’t be able to provide food for their families. Passing HB23-1036 places an undue burden on already highly-susceptible, minorities and immediately disenfranchises low-income families, disrupting access to the otherwise reliable food chain. This population would simply starve to death without access to harvest resources seasonally. By definition, it is genocide via misappropriating resources.

Further, the alternatives to lead ammunition can be less lethal (and therefore less ethical for hunting), and generally are not better for the environment.  On it’s merits, the supporters and authors of this bill are wealthy interest groups from out-of-state with ulterior motives. Vote ‘no’ in order to assure the continued livelihood of our gorgeous Colorado wildlife, landscape and wholesome family traditions for generations to come.

Consequently, make no mistake, the ultimate goal of HB23-1036 proponents (and their donors, in particular) is to end hunting. Unfortunately, all elected representatives voting ‘yes’ is the first step in opening the floodgates to unchecked government overreach (read: tyranny).

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Moreover, HB 23-1036 creates an entirely preventable, unnecessary burden on the already under-staffed Colorado Division of Parks and Wildlife. Procedurally, the additional administrative weaknesses and logistical nightmare that would be required to effectively coordinate and oversee this burdensome bill creates an additional unnecessary burden on both staffers and the entire organization, as a whole. To date, the Colorado Division of Parks and Wildlife is already (currently) understaffed, over-budget and barely surviving on limited resources in its day-to-day operations. The additional responsibilities created by HB 23-1036 mandates a crippling additional set of new responsibilities, training and record-keeping that cannot be effectively managed in-house by this administration. Unfortunately, all of the ‘costs’ definitely outweigh any and all project ‘benefits’ alleged by proponents of the bill.

Finally, the annual ‘seasonal’ hunting licensing fees required by the State of Colorado would dramatically increase in order to manage all of the new responsibilities created by enforcing HB23-1036 regulations, if passed. These fees are already some of the highest in the nation. Additionally, this unforeseen, undue financial burden would effectively disenfranchise an already vulnerable population of rural Coloradans. It’s passage would be a prima facie death sentence for this entire demographic of citizens experiencing financial and economic hardships (in addition to increasing inflation) created by President Biden’s failing economy.

As such, and without reservation, The Heller Foundation vehemently opposes HB 23-1036 and urges all representatives elected to represent our system of beliefs to reflect that during this afternoon’s House Agricultural Committee vote. I would like to thank NSSF and the Colorado GOP for bringing this proposed legislation to our attention and ask the House Agricultural Committee’s OPPOSITION of this bill.

Thank you in advance for any and all consideration on this imminent public policy and Constitutional matter.

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Respectfully Submitted,

Kristie J. Tertel

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Kristie J. Tertel

National Director of Legislative Policy,

The Heller Foundation

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Attachments: 3 pages (enclosed below)

The Heller Foundation’s National Director of Legislative Policy, Kristie Tertel
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