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Kristie Tertel Spearheads Historic White House Meeting



Details on The Heller Foundation’s National Director of Legislative Policy’s Oval Office Meeting on Second Amendment Rights

(Washington, D.C.) On Tuesday, December 23, 2022, The Heller Foundation sent a delegation to meet with Vice President Kamala Harris and President Joe Biden in the Oval Office to discuss and create an open dialogue about the human right to self-defense. Angelina Jolie was also present at this meeting. During this landmark event, Kristie Tertel, The Heller Foundation’s National Director of Legislative Policy, told her personal story of how and why she became a gun owner.

“As a staunch advocate for the Second Amendment, I was truly honored to be blessed with the opportunity to be invited to The White House to tell my story of surviving domestic violence and later being a victim of a violent crime. Had I been armed and trained it could have all been prevented. The main objective of this meeting was to create an open dialogue about the Second Amendment through the art of storytelling. I went to them as a human being, not as a politician. The lives of all Americans, regardless of political affiliation, are worth fighting for. Consequently, in doing so, many misunderstandings about gun rights were rectified and I look forward to continuing this growing relationship across partisan lines.

The Heller Foundation was the first Second Amendment organization in history to successfully achieve this type of relationship across the aisle. Gun rights are human rights.

Tertel adds, “Dick Heller saved my life. He taught me that a firearm is the greatest equalizer- especially as a woman with a 4’ 10” stature. Mr. Heller, also an NRA-certified firearms instructor, gave me my first classroom instruction as his kitchen table. Then, later that afternoon, we went to NRA Headquarters in Virginia where he taught me show to shoot. The first gun I ever shot was the million-dollar ‘Heller Gun’ from his 2008 United States Supreme Court case D.C, vs Heller.”

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Routinely, The Heller Foundation collaborates with both state and national ‘gun right’ organizations to protect and defend our God-given, Constitutionally-entrenched right to self-defense. Our mission is to assure that the Second Amendment is retained for generations of Americans to come. To join the #HellerArmy and learn more about The Heller Foundation, we invited you to go online to the official website- and check out our social media channels for live updates- @RealDickHeller @TheHellerFoundation.

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